How Much Does Termite Treatment Cost in Columbia, SC?
Columbia homeowners will pay an average of $45 a month for termite treatment. For a 1,250 sq. ft. home, termite control will average around $204 per year, while a 2,000 square foot home will be priced closer to $358 annually.
Best Termite Treatment Companies in the Columbia area:
Modern Exterminating Company Inc
2119 Gadsden St
Columbia, SC 29201
Palmett0 Exterminators, Inc.
3016 McNaughton Dr
Columbia, SC 29223
ClearDefense Pest Control
126 Suber Rd Suite C
Columbia, SC 29210
1828 Pineview Rd
Columbia, SC 29209
Termite treatment service in these zip codes: 29044, 29045, 29061, 29063, 29147, 29201, 29202, 29203, 29204, 29205, 29206, 29207, 29208, 29209, 29210, 29212, 29223, 29225, 29229
Termite control services are also available in these nearby cities: Chapin, SC; Winnsboro, SC; Blythewood, SC; Hartsville, SC
Find Termite Treatment in Columbia, SC
Pest Extinct Inc. is Columbia’s one-stop solution for termite exterminators. Get information on chemical extermination, termite baits, tenting, and fumigation services.
Average Price Range For Termite Control in Columbia
Cost Per Linear Foot | $7.13 |
Subterranean Termite Treatment | $284 |
Drywood Termite Removal | $187 – $1,454 |
Termite Damage Repair | $353 – $790 |
Treatment Cost / Linear Foot | $1.31 |
Termite Treatment
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Termite Repair Services
2108 Greene St,
SC –