How Much Does Termite Treatment Cost? | Find Termite Control Companies Near You

Nationally, the average cost of termite treatment service will be around $325 for a one-time treatment, plus $55-$75 for future monthly preventative services. Houses that are already severely infested with termites can cost between $500 to as much as $2,300 to exterminate the entire infestation.

The actual cost of home termite extermination services is determined by your home type and size and level of the infestation problem. A 15-minute survey of your home is suggested to get an accurate quote.


  • Rhinotermitidae
  • Subterranean
  • Drywood Termites
  • Dampwood Termites
  • Kalotermes Flavicollis
  • Termitidae
  • Formosan termites

Many homeowners are aware of the various threats to their property. Sinkholes, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, and other natural disasters are par for the course when purchasing a home. But there are other threats to consider, like termites.

These small insects may not seem like a big deal, but they can cause as much damage as any natural disaster. Getting rid of them could mean the difference between spending thousands on home repair or taking a much-needed vacation.

But how much does termite treatment cost? This guide will reveal everything you need to know!

What Are Termites?

Termites are insects that live underground and inside of wooden structures. They can be found inside of rotting trees, inside of termite-made mud tubes, and inside of homes.

Like ants, termites work in colonies. There are two primary forms.

How to Identify Termites?

Termite TreatmentThe first form is often called “the worker” termite. These termites are slightly translucent and often milky or slightly yellow. They have a dark spot on their heads that can be likened to an eye, but these are actually small mandibles.

These worker insects tend to be less than 1/4 of an inch long. They remain behind the scenes for all of their lives, building mud tubes and gathering food. When you find these in your home, you can be sure that you’re dealing with a strong colony.

The second type of termite you may encounter is known as “the swarmer” termite. A swarmer is a specialized termite that emerges from the colony with strong wings. This allows it to travel away from the colony and eventually create a new one.

Swarmers can be both male and female. They tend to emerge in large numbers, hence their name.

They eventually become breeding pairs that infest new areas and create new colonies. There are also soldier termites with massive mandibles.

What Are the Signs of Termites in Your Home?

There are several tell-tale signs that termites have started to infest your home. Recognizing these signs could save you a ton of money and time in termite repair and remediation.

Some of the most common signs of termite damage include:

  • Small holes in drywall
  • Drooping drywall
  • Peeling paint
  • Crumbling wood
  • Small insect wings
  • Mud tubes on walls

You may also spot termite droppings, which resemble salt and pepper. If you spot any of these signs of damage, be sure to contact a reliable pest control service right away. Doing so could help you avoid further damage to your home and belongings.

What Do Termites Eat?

As mentioned above, termites primarily dine on wood. However, that’s not the only thing these pesky pests can consume. Termites can eat anything that contains cellulose or plant fibers.

This means that termites could gnaw on your home and your garden. They could feast on your drywall, undermine your foundation, and creep into your home through cracks in any roughly-settled concrete.

Termite Treatment Service

They could then lay waste to your wooden cabinetry and furniture. Truly, termites are not picky eaters.

They are opportunistic. Unfortunately, human habitations give them plenty of opportunities.

The costs to repair heavy termite infestations and the damage they cause can be burdensome. Termite treatment and prevention are often far more affordable, which is why immediate remediation is crucial to keeping your property safe and strong.

Termite Damage Repair Costs

If you’re not able to locate the source of a termite infestation and begin near-immediate remediation, you can expect to spend thousands of dollars toward repairing the damage to your home.

Termite Control

Annually, termites cause billions of dollars worth of damage to structures in the United States. With a little forethought and planning, this number could be substantially reduced. That’s why termite treatment services are essential.

Termite Treatment Services

There are quite a few options when it comes to termite treatment services. Sometimes, a simple chemical spray around the border of your home is enough to keep termites at bay. Other times, you may need full remediation and restoration.

The optimal termite treatment service for your property depends on the current pest maintenance you’ve engaged in, whether or not you’ve got a termite nest in your home, and how bad the home’s conditions are.

The size and extent of the infestation must also be taken into account. A small apartment with regular termite treatment and prevention is likely to require far less immediate care than a delipidated fixer-upper that’s heavily infested and falling apart.

What Are the Termite Treatment Options?

When it’s time to treat your termite infestation, you need to know what kills termites. You’ll likely have several options. Naturally, these options will range in effectivity and value depending on the size of your home, the severity of the infestation, and the location of the termite nests.

Some of the most common treatment services that pest control companies offer include:

  • Soil-Based Insecticides
  • Poisoned Baits
  • Protective Wood Treatment Sprays
  • Preventative Options
  • Boric Acid

To help you understand each of these options in greater detail, let’s take a moment to discuss each one. We’ll begin with the most popular type of termite treatment, soil-based insecticides.

Soil-Based Insecticides

Many termites live in outdoor spaces. When times are hard or their environment is no longer suitable, they make their new home in human-habited areas.

By using a soil-based insecticide, pest control experts could reduce the chance that termites make your home theirs. Of course, this solution doesn’t work for existing in-home infestations.

Poisoned Baits

A pest control technician may place poisoned baits along the borders of your property or deep in crawlspace within the home. These baits will contain termite-friendly food that is laced with poison.

When workers return to the nest with the bait, they could poison the entire colony, including the queen. This would fully exterminate the termite nest.

Termite Infestation

Protective Wood Treatment Sprays

This type of solution works best for damaged areas that are currently undergoing renovation. When replacing rotten wood with new beams and siding, you’ll want to protect it from returning termites. A protective spray keeps your material safe.

Preventative Options

You could also choose to take preventative options to limit any potential termite risk to your home. These options are better suited to individuals building new properties than those living in older ones.

Still, if you’ve been looking for a good reason to renovate part of your home, termite protection is an excellent one. One of the smartest ways to keep termites at bay before you ever move into a home is by using building materials with termiticides.

Termite Treatment

This specialized type of building material is made to resist termite invasion and also repel flying scouts. It’s an excellent option for those living near forests or wooded spaces. Nematodes may also be a worthwhile investment.

Taking care to plan your new home’s landscaping is an excellent idea. Proper planning and landscaping could move termites far from your home’s exterior while also opening up lawn-free space for gardening or future construction projects.

What Chemicals Are Used to Treat Termites?

Several chemicals are used to treat termites. Their effectivity differs depending on termite species, environmental conditions, and application methods. Professional pest control service agents have the experience necessary to apply them correctly.

One of the commonalities you may find among the various termite pesticides is the active ingredient Fipronil. This is a synthesized chemical that is commonly found in pest control solutions. It works by targeting the nervous system of insects.

This substance is used more frequently than others due to its relatively low risk to humans and pets. Fipronil tends to only bind to the nerve receptors of insects.

Is Termite Treatment Safe for Kids and Pets?

All chemical pesticides can be dangerous when misused. However, professional termite treatment is generally safe for both pets and children.

Naturally, your pest control specialist will be able to explain your chosen treatment service’s safety rules and help you and your family avoid any unexpected poisoning as a result of the termite treatment.

Because chemical pesticides can become lethal with misused, professional remediation services are often far safer than DIY at-home applications. Besides, termites can infest attics, basements, and foundation spaces.

Rather than attempting to reach these areas, which may be weakened due to termite damage, it may be better to allow a group of experienced professionals to handle the task.

How Much Does Termite Treatment Cost?

Pest ControlTermite treatment costs vary greatly depending on the treatment area’s size, the exact method used to treat the infestation, and the treatment’s consistency.

For example, a 4,000-sqft home with a heavy termite infestation is likely to incur higher treatment costs than a 1,000-sqft apartment with few signs of termite damage. This difference in cost has everything to do with coverage and intensity.


  • $474 Estimated cost to treat 2000 sq foot house
  • $7 Estimated cost per linear foot for chemicals
  • $9 Estimated cost per linear foot for bait traps
  • $14 Estimated cost per linear foot for termite fumigation

If you were to paint one room in your home, you might only need to purchase a single gallon of paint. If the room you’re painting is white, you’ll also need fewer coats to achieve your new wall color. You’re saving money and keeping things simple.

But if you’re determined to paint your entire home, inside and out, you’ll likely need to purchase way more paint. You’d also probably have to cover other colors, necessitating a more intense painting job with plenty of coats of paint.

Pest control works in much the same way. The more pesticide required to treat the problem, and the more moving around a technician must do, the higher the treatment service cost. But how can you prepare for these costs?

One-Time Termite Treatment Cost

If you’ve just noticed a termite issue, you may opt for a singular, one-time evaluation and treatment. However, one-time treatments aren’t as effective as regular treatments. This notion is particularly true of heavily infested homes.

Still, a singular termite treatment service can cost anywhere from $200 –  $402. The precise cost reflects the severity of the damage, the location of the damage, and the infestation level.

The sooner you contact your local pest control technicians, the sooner you can save money and prevent further damage. Allowing a termite infestation to get out of hand is a surefire way to increase remediation costs.

As such, pest control experts often regular treatments. Monthly and quarterly (every three months) pest control solutions are common for homeowners that are serious about protecting their homes from these small pests.

Monthly Termite Treatment Cost

Homeowners need to maintain their homes to keep them in great condition. Similarly, tenants should seek regular pest control services to ward away unwelcome critters, including termites. Termites can slowly take over a home, and regular service is vital.

Monthly termite treatment and prevention services cost about $35-$55. Annually, this equates to about $500. That’s still slightly less than the average termite repair and extermination costs for an average-sized home.

Quarterly Termite Control Services

If you’ve never had any issues with termites and live in a metropolitan or urban area that isn’t close to many wooded areas, you may want to opt for a less strenuous treatment schedule. Quarterly options ensure services every three months and will cost around $150 per treatment.

A quarterly pest control schedule may not be particularly beneficial to those living near trees, wooded spaces, or homeowners with pre-existing termite problems. But it can be a decent preventative solution to those in a less immediate amount of danger.

Pre-Construction Prevention

Are you planning on building a new home? There may be many tasks and duties to keep under wrap, but you shouldn’t neglect basic pest control services.

Even if you haven’t started laying your foundation, you can begin protecting your future home from pests. Pre-construction termite treatment, coupled with smart landscaping decisions, could make for a bug-free home and far safer construction.

Making your lot termite-free and ready for building can cost anywhere from about $200 to over $2,000. As with nearly any pest control treatment, the exact price depends on several factors, including property size and existing nests.

Terminix vs Orkin: Who’s Best For Termite Treatment?

In truth, both companies have their unique pros and cons. We recommend getting a consult from both companies, along with other exterminators to evaluate the value. Here’s a few things to keep in mind:


  • Termite service solutions include liquid or foam chemicals and baits
  • Orkin offers a 30-day guarantee
  • Home inspections
  • Founded in 1901
  • Over 1.7 million customers


  • Terminix termite treatment services offer liquid chemicals, baits and tenting
  • Customer satisfaction guaranteed in most areas
  • House inspections
  • Terminix treats over 50,000 homes and businesses every day
  • Started in 1927

Choose the Right Termite Treatment Today

Termites are small insects that consume wood. They don’t spread disease like other bugs, but they can cause significant damage.

Getting rid of them and preventing them is crucial. But how much does termite treatment cost? The answer to that depends on the size of the treatment area and how regularly you’d like to treat your home.

Smaller homes that require annual or quarterly treatment tend to incur fewer costs than larger, heavily infested homes. If you suspect that your home has become termite food, contact us today for an estimate on termite treatment services.

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