How Much Does it Cost to Get Rid of Bedbugs?

Bedbugs can be a frustrating and difficult problem to deal with, and getting rid of them can be costly. However, the exact cost of bedbug extermination will depend on a number of factors, including the severity of the infestation, the size of the affected area, and the treatment method used.

bed bugs or fleas

On average, the cost of hiring a professional exterminator to treat a bedbug infestation can range from $390 to $1,500 or more. However, if the infestation is particularly severe or if the treatment requires multiple visits, the cost can be even higher.


There are also other costs to consider when getting rid of bedbugs. For example, you may need to purchase new bedding, furniture, or clothing if the bedbugs have infested these items. In addition, you may need to take time off work or pay for temporary housing if the treatment requires you to leave your home.

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If you’re trying to get rid of bedbugs on a budget, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the cost of treatment. First, try to identify and eliminate any potential sources of the infestation, such as used furniture or clutter. Next, consider using a combination of chemical and physical methods to eliminate the bedbugs, such as using a vacuum cleaner to remove eggs and applying diatomaceous earth or boric acid to affected areas.

Overall, the cost of getting rid of bedbugs can be significant, but taking the necessary steps to eliminate the infestation can help prevent further spread and ensure a comfortable, bedbug-free home.

How Can You Tell if You Have Bed Bugs?

Bedbugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are most commonly found in beds, but they can also hide in other furniture, clothing, and other household items. While they are not known to spread disease, they can be a nuisance and can be difficult to get rid of once they have infested an area.

If you suspect that you may have bedbugs, there are a few signs that you can look for. These include:

  1. Bites: Bedbugs typically bite at night, and their bites can cause small, red bumps on the skin that are often itchy. However, not everyone reacts to bedbug bites, so the absence of bites does not necessarily mean that you do not have an infestation.
  2. Fecal stains: Bedbugs excrete small, dark-colored stains that may be visible on sheets, mattresses, or other surfaces. These stains can be a sign that bedbugs are present.
  3. Shed skins: As bedbugs grow, they shed their skin. These shed skins may be visible on bedding or other surfaces and can be a sign of an infestation.
  4. Odor: Bedbugs can produce a musty, sweet smell that may be noticeable in infested areas.

If you suspect that you have bedbugs, it is important to take steps to eliminate the infestation as soon as possible. This may involve hiring a professional exterminator, washing and drying bedding and clothing on high heat, and sealing any cracks or crevices where bedbugs may be hiding. It’s time to get rid of them!


Bedbugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. While they are not known to spread disease, they can be a nuisance and can be difficult to get rid of once they have infested an area.

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While bedbugs are not considered to be harmful to humans, their bites can cause discomfort and irritation. Bedbug bites can cause small, red bumps on the skin that are often itchy. Some people may have a more severe reaction to bedbug bites, with symptoms such as swelling, redness, and blistering.

In addition to the physical discomfort caused by bedbug bites, the presence of bedbugs can also cause emotional distress and anxiety. The thought of being bitten by bedbugs while sleeping can be unsettling, and the process of getting rid of an infestation can be time-consuming and stressful.

If you suspect that you have bedbugs, it is important to take steps to eliminate the infestation as soon as possible. This may involve hiring a professional exterminator, washing and drying bedding and clothing on high heat, and sealing any cracks or crevices where bedbugs may be hiding.

Overall, while bedbugs are not considered to be harmful to humans, they can cause discomfort and emotional distress. Taking steps to prevent and eliminate an infestation is the best way to protect yourself and your home from the negative impacts of bedbugs. Ready to get rid of those bedbugs once and for all? Get a quote today!


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